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DBT Treatment Manuals and Books in Different Asian-Pacific Languages
Please note that the list below isn’t exhaustive and focuses primarily on DBT treatment manuals published by Dr Marsha Linehan. If you are aware of DBT treatment manuals that have been published in other Asian/ Asian-Pacific languages that are not listed here, we would appreciate it if you can share this information with us via completing the “Contact Us” form. Thank you.
Linehan, M. M. (1993). Cognitive-behavioral treatment of borderline personality disorder. The Guilford Press.
Linehan, M. M. (1993). Skills training manual for treating borderline personality disorder. The Guilford Press.
Linehan, M. M. (2015). DBT skills training manual (2nd ed). The Guilford Press.
Rathus, J. H., & Miller, A.L. (2015). DBT skills manual for adolescents. The Guilford Press.
Fruzzetti, A. (2006). The high-conflict couple: A dialectical behavior therapy guide to finding peace, intimacy, and validation. New Harbinger Publications.
McKay, M., Wood, J. C., & Brantley, J. (2019). The dialectical behavior therapy skills workbook: Practical DBT exercises for learning mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, emotion regulation, and distress tolerance. New Harbinger Publications.
Sayrs, J. H., & Linehan, M. M. (2019). DBT teams: Development and practice. Guilford Publications.
Chinese (Simplified)
玛莎 · 莱恩汉 (2022)《DBT情绪调节手册·标准技能训练手册》(祝卓宏、朱卓影、陈钰、曹静译),北京联合出版有限公司。(原著出版年:2015)[Linehan, M. M. (2022). DBT skills training manual, second edition (Z. Zhu, Z. Zhu, Y. Chen & J. Cao, Trans.). Beijing United Publishing Co., Ltd. (Original work published 2015)]
玛莎 · 莱恩汉 (2022)《DBT情绪调节手册·讲义与练习单》(祝卓宏、朱卓影、陈钰、曹静译),北京联合出版有限公司。(原著出版年:2015)[Linehan, M. M. (2022). DBT skills training handouts and worksheets (Z. Zhu, Z. Zhu, Y. Chen & J. Cao, Trans.). Beijing United Publishing Co., Ltd. (Original work published 2015)]
林内翰 (2009)《边缘性人格障碍治疗手册》(吴波译),中国轻工业出版社。(原著出版年:1993)[Linehan, M. M. (2009). Skills training manual for treating borderline personality disorder (B. Wu, Trans.). China Light Industry Press Ltd. (Original work published 1993)]
马修·麦克凯, 杰弗里·伍德, 杰弗里·布兰特里 (2017) 《辩证行为疗法:掌握正念、改善人际效能、调节情绪和承受痛苦的技巧》(王鹏飞 李桃 钟菲菲译),重庆大学出版社。(原著出版年:2007) [Mattew, M., Jeffery, C. W. & Jeffery, B. (2013). The dialectical behavior therapy skills workbook: Practical DBT exercises for learning mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, emotion regulation & distress tolerance (S. Z. Yang, Trans.). Living Psychology. (Original work published 2007)]
Chinese (Traditional)
瑪莎.林納涵 (2015) 《DBT技巧訓練手冊:辯證行為治療教學》(江孟蓉、吳茵茵、李佳陵、胡嘉琪、趙恬儀譯),張老師文化。(原著出版年:2015) [Linehan, M. M. (2015). DBT skills training manual, second edition (M. R. Jiang, Y. Y. Wu, J. L. Li, J. Q. Hu & T. Y. Zhao, Trans.). Living Psychology. (Original work published 2015)]
瑪莎.林納涵 (2015) 《DBT技巧訓練講義及作業單》(馬偕紀念醫院辯證行為治療團隊譯),張老師文化。(原著出版年:2015) [Linehan, M. M. (2015). DBT skills training handout and worksheets, second edition (MacKay Memorial Hospital DBT Team, Trans.). Living Psychology. (Original work published 2015)]
劉珣瑛、吳書儀、張依虹、林誼杰、陳淑欽、周昕韻、林承儒、張輊竑、詹美玉、林穎 (2022) 《辯證行為治療—華人經驗的策略與技巧》,五南出版社。
麥修、傑弗瑞、傑弗瑞 (2013) 《辯證行為治療技巧手冊:學習了了分明、人際效能、情緒調節和痛苦耐受辯證治療治療實用手冊》(楊涉智譯),張老師文化。(原著出版年:2007) [Mattew, M., Jeffery, C. W. & Jeffery, B. (2013). The dialectical behavior therapy skills workbook: Practical DBT exercises for learning mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, emotion regulation & distress tolerance (S. Z. Yang, Trans.). Living Psychology. (Original work published 2007)]
Linehan, M. M. (2017) 《DBT 다이어렉티컬 행동치료 워크북》(조영범 번역),더트리그룹。(최초 출판 연도:2015) [Linehan, M. M. (2017). DBT skills training handouts and worksheets, second edition (Y. Cho, Trans.). The Tree Group. (Original work published 2015)]
Linehan, M. M. (2018) 《전문가를 위한 DBT 다이어렉티컬 행동치료》(조영범 번역),더트리그룹。(최초 출판 연도:2015) [Linehan, M. M. (2018). DBT skills training manual, second edition (Y. Cho, Trans.). The Tree Group. (Original work published 2015)]
Swenson, C. R. (2020) 《살아있는 DBT: 변증법적 행동치료의 원리와 실제》(남지혜, 남지은 번역),학지사。(최초 출판 연도:2016) [Swenson, C. R. (2020). DBT principles in action (J. Nam & J. Nam, Trans.). Hakjisa. (Original work published 2016)]